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38 Game Reviews

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How can you prank call when obviously you will be caught and be sent to jail?

Keyara responds:

Well as long as you don't harass the person by calling them back more, the victim's probably not even going to try and find out your number or pursue the police. Even if the police were to get involved, there's still very little they could do to you. *67 blocks your phone number


These windows parodies have been WAY over done. I thought that there would never be another good one but somehow this one seperates itself from the others. It's suprisingly good. Just don't make anymore ;)

Great, the Boss is ridiculous

I got all the way to level 10 doing really good. Then the boss came and I was dead before I even knew what hit me. What kind of game is that?! Please give us at least some time to react to the boss on level 10. Otherwise, it's an awesome game.


I know it's hard for a communist like you to accept that Communism was a failure, but it's time to move on. Democracy rules!!!! Communism sucks!!!! You may want the Soviet Union back but it's not coming back because the U.S. kicked it's ass! USA USA USA!!!


Honestly after Alien Hominid who can even compete? This game would be good if Alien Hominid was never created.


First of all, making soundboards is NO SKILL. Second of all, if you make calls you WILL be arrested. Most people have caller ID, and even if you call by a cell phone or something else which is not immediately trackable, the cops can still find you will a little work.

Potentially Awesome

This is definately reminicent of Newground's best game, Defend Your Castle. It's not even close to that quality right now, but as an DYC fan knows, DYC started out as a very early BETA. This game is fun right now. You could make it better by first not making it so difficult. Also make more different enemies when you get to higher levels. The Tank is way too powerful as it is right now.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT THAT WILL OFFEND SOME PEOPE: People jump out of the towers when the damage is past a certain point.

Great But Old

I played this game a year ago on addictinggames.com It's still awesome. It's addictive as hell.

Great Game. Insane Price.

This is a very stripped demo. You really don't give us much to work with. AND 20 DOLLARS?! Come on. Make it $10 at MOST. You would be making more money if it was 10 bucks than 20. Nobody is going to pay that much for a flash game. By making this 20 bucks you are BEGGING people to download this game off Kazaa. I would never do that but most people would. Lucky for you this game isn't on Kazaa yet, but it will be.

3:16 from the gospel according to the book of Mushroom Clock says, "For Strawberry Clock so loved the portal, that he gave his only letter, and whoever votes 5 on 'B' shall not die but have ever lasting life."

Age 99, Male

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Joined on 11/21/01

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